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The Gospel not only saves us once and for all from the penalty of our sin, but also delivers us daily from the power of sin, and transforms us into the image of Jesus. The Gospel will be the heart of our programming, curriculum and everything we do. As we like to say… “Jesus is the hero”!
We believe children are more motivated to learn in a fun-filled, safe environment. Therefore, we strive to create a place where kids have fun and want to come back next week after week.
Kids Ministry is for kids, not adults. Not all children learn the same way, therefore our programming and curriculum is creative and interactive, encouraging the Holy Spirit to engage the children in multiple learning styles and reflecting the creative heart of our creator God.
As parents, God has entrusted you with the responsibility of stewarding and discipling your children. We endeavor to help you raise kids who love Jesus, by encouraging, equipping, and assisting you toward that end.